Monday, October 3, 2011

This made my day.

Mr. Templeton posted this on his site regarding the new Aquaman title. Poor Arthur.

And then, I just discovered today that our blog got featured in his Last week on the 'net section twice! That's right Pancho! Twice mentioned by THE GUY!
I feel so happy that I can almost fathom the idea of Tony Daniel being responsible for the Detective Comics relaunch. Heh! Imagine that.

Many thanks to Ty Templeton for taking the time to check out our blog.

1 comment:

Aldo AG said...

Aquí tenemos a otro autor que tiene un aprecio genuino por el medio y que se preocupa por lo que sucede en él. Ty Templeton critica de manera inteligente y divertida (sí, es posible) el mundo de los comics desde su punto de vista como autor, fan y conocedor. Más autores como él no le vendrían mal al mundo de los comics.